Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business

We are trustworthy real estate enterprise built on the values of trust and affordability. Ever since its inception, PR Promoters has been devoted to envisioning innovative and value-for-money residential projects. At PR Promoters, we specialize in developing premier residential projects.

We serve you the finest lands that are unsurpassed in quality and elegance. our expensive residential projects with sophisticated amenities not just indulge you in beauty but also promise you a lifetime of quality.

We have the best properties Sale, Buy, and Rent Dealers
We are well experience in this field.
Legal & Administrative Support for Time & Cost Effectiveness

வீட்டு மனைகள் வாங்க நமது காரைக்குடிக்கு மிக அருகில் நீங்கள் எதிர்பார்த்த விலையில் விற்பனைக்கு உள்ளன

Real Estate

Residential property

Residential property is any building or unit zoned and purposed as living space. It’s one of two general categories of real estate, the other being commercial property.

Residential property is usually owner-occupied, but not necessarily. By real estate industry convention, any properties with fewer than five units — none of which are for commercial use — are classified as residential. Larger properties and those with mixed residential and commercial use, then, qualify as commercial.


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